This flower is for you
Exhibition Gallery Macken
10 photographs, postcards, sheet metal flower box on wheels, growing lights
The work consists of ten photographs of signs from the Gothenburg botanical garden. The photographs were presented in the store front of an old abandoned petrol station overtaken by nature and for the occasion turned into a growing house. Behind the glass, store bought flowers were planted in a metal box lifted from the ground by four wheels. At night the whole building was shivering in pink from the growing lights installed in the building.
In the exhibition visitors were invited to fill out a recipient's address on pre-written postcards. The front of the yellow postcards, all replicas of the signs displayed throughout the botanical garden, was referencing the plant by its position within Carl von Linné's Systema Naturae. At the back, you could read a prewritten text that ended with the phrase “this flower is for you”.
In the photographs, the original signs shot close up, with the nature it referred to as the backdrop.
In the exhibition visitors were invited to fill out a recipient's address on pre-written postcards. The front of the yellow postcards, all replicas of the signs displayed throughout the botanical garden, was referencing the plant by its position within Carl von Linné's Systema Naturae. At the back, you could read a prewritten text that ended with the phrase “this flower is for you”.
In the photographs, the original signs shot close up, with the nature it referred to as the backdrop.